Health & Medical Body building

To Build Muscles and Gain Strength You Need to Understand How

When you workout heavily, the first 60 minutes after your workout program are absolutely critical to proper muscle building and recovery.
Your body is gearing up to recharge its batteries.
The cells are like an army after a battle mending its wounded and regrouping for another attack.
Give me some sugar baby This is the time that your glycogen levels are low, and your body is in a state in which glucose is essential.
 It will be immediately send the sugar to all the muscles to replace its depleted stores.
If you don't get enough sugar and protein during this period, your body will look to the very muscles you were working and begin converting muscle tissue into much needed glycogen.
Get your fill of H2O You'll need to replace your spent fluids after a workout as well.
Your body will weigh less after a heavy workout because you've lost water but don't start celebrating.
You need that hydration to keep your cells healthy and productive.
I keep a gallon jug with me and sip all day.
It is vital to replace your fluids after fitness training.
Packin' protein Don't forget to get the proper amount of protein for cellular growth and hormone release.
You'll need the power of lean clean protein to fortify your cell's normal growth functions.
It's like giving your troops extra ammo and bigger guns for the next battle.
I prefer clean proteins like tuna, turkey or chicken breasts.
I make a power shake three times a day and make sure that I follow my daily bodyweight requirement.
As Napoleon once said, "An army travels on its stomach.
" you need to feed the beast in order for him to grow stronger.
Carbo refill As much as I rant about carbohydrates, they are an excellent source of quick energy and will mobilize your cells to recharge quickly.
You'll feel a leveling out of your energy after the workout and avoid the crash of gym fatigue.
The American College of Sports Medicine suggests that you get at least 50 and up to 100 grams of carbs after your fitness workouts.
If you're going for mass, be sure to eat according to your bodyweight.
The bulking up phase requires lots of calories and allows for both simple and complex carbs.
Mineral deposits Working out will deplete your stores of minerals especially through sweat.
Your sodium and potassium level are critical for homeostasis and when driven down too low, can be fatal'; especially during hot summer months.
Energy and sports drinks are not necessary if you eat a normal sized helping of potassium foods like bananas, or raisins.
They also provide the quick sugars you can use for a glycogen recharge.

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