Are Your Objections Really Excuses?
Fitness and weight loss gurus generally say there is no time like present. That means one should simply drop everything to immediately get into a weight loss or fitness program. Any objection to this, even the slightest hesitation, is seen by them as an excuse for getting out of what everyone knows that everyone should be doing. Obtuse as that may sound, that is how they are.
Most of us know that they are right. However, even if we totally agree with them in theory, we may wonder if their position is always the best for us as individual people. In other words, are there some times when one should simply say that starting today will not work as well as next week might? Possibly that means not getting into a daily routine at the club because one simply cannot afford it. Or possibly it means not cutting back to a low fat diet diet because one has over two hundred dollars worth of red meat in the freezer. Or possibly it means not getting onto supplements because one really just does not have an idea of what should probably be taken.
All of us have had questions like these and all of us know that none of their accompanying reasons for holding back are bad in themselves. Nevertheless, we all know that they all are or should be tentative. After all, it is common knowledge that each can easily be solved by normal means. For instance, one can give the red meat to a next door neighbor or simply feed it to the dog over time. Or, one can go on the internet to determine what supplements might have the desired effects on him or her. Or, one can wait until he or she gets paid to join the health club. And, one can do all of these in a relatively short period of time.
The real question then is over whether any of these simple common sense answers are ultimately enough to get a person on track for the rest of their life. That is, when they are solved or answered, will they definitely result in the desired ongoing regular action of a fitness lifestyle?
The sad answer to this question is that they most likely will not. Far too many of us can have all of our questions answered, all of our problems solved, and all of our knowledge gained only to find that we still will not resolutely embark on the lasting course we know to be best for us That is why the radical trainers who refuse to accept any hesitation say the things they do. They know that the real reason for their clients' lack of success is the simple basic resolve to dive in and continue on swimming in a figurative manner of speech regardless of the objections life or a person's imagination may present.
Most of us would agree with that in theory. Whence we might all secretly admit that the trainers are completely correct and justified in their oftentimes abrasive intolerance of those who refuse to drop everything and start immediately. That may make us wonder about our own sincerity. Yet, being completely prepared does have its merits. At least by having all of initial objections handled, one is free to deal with the ongoing daily discouragements and inertia which are part of not only getting started but most importantly staying at it. This is true for diet, exercise and of course supplementation. All of these together everyday are the necessary components of an effective fitness lifestyle.
For more thought on starting a fitness lifestyle and staying with it forever order my book "Think and Grow Fit."
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Most of us know that they are right. However, even if we totally agree with them in theory, we may wonder if their position is always the best for us as individual people. In other words, are there some times when one should simply say that starting today will not work as well as next week might? Possibly that means not getting into a daily routine at the club because one simply cannot afford it. Or possibly it means not cutting back to a low fat diet diet because one has over two hundred dollars worth of red meat in the freezer. Or possibly it means not getting onto supplements because one really just does not have an idea of what should probably be taken.
All of us have had questions like these and all of us know that none of their accompanying reasons for holding back are bad in themselves. Nevertheless, we all know that they all are or should be tentative. After all, it is common knowledge that each can easily be solved by normal means. For instance, one can give the red meat to a next door neighbor or simply feed it to the dog over time. Or, one can go on the internet to determine what supplements might have the desired effects on him or her. Or, one can wait until he or she gets paid to join the health club. And, one can do all of these in a relatively short period of time.
The real question then is over whether any of these simple common sense answers are ultimately enough to get a person on track for the rest of their life. That is, when they are solved or answered, will they definitely result in the desired ongoing regular action of a fitness lifestyle?
The sad answer to this question is that they most likely will not. Far too many of us can have all of our questions answered, all of our problems solved, and all of our knowledge gained only to find that we still will not resolutely embark on the lasting course we know to be best for us That is why the radical trainers who refuse to accept any hesitation say the things they do. They know that the real reason for their clients' lack of success is the simple basic resolve to dive in and continue on swimming in a figurative manner of speech regardless of the objections life or a person's imagination may present.
Most of us would agree with that in theory. Whence we might all secretly admit that the trainers are completely correct and justified in their oftentimes abrasive intolerance of those who refuse to drop everything and start immediately. That may make us wonder about our own sincerity. Yet, being completely prepared does have its merits. At least by having all of initial objections handled, one is free to deal with the ongoing daily discouragements and inertia which are part of not only getting started but most importantly staying at it. This is true for diet, exercise and of course supplementation. All of these together everyday are the necessary components of an effective fitness lifestyle.
For more thought on starting a fitness lifestyle and staying with it forever order my book "Think and Grow Fit."
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