- 1). Rinse the okra pods and cut off the ends. You only need to cut a small bit off the ends. You can either can the okra in whole form or cut the pods into pieces.
- 2). Fill a saucepan with water and bring to a boil.
- 3). Add the okra to the saucepan and boil for 2 minutes then drain the okra. You do need to make sure to save the water and not throw it away.
- 4). Add the okra to sterilized canning jars and pour the reserved cooking water over the top of the okra. Leave 1 1/2 inches of space at the top of each jar. You can sterilize the jars by running them through the dishwasher.
- 5). Seal the lids on the jars and process in a canner, following the directions for the specific canner. Pint jars need to be processed for 25 minutes and quart jars need to be processed for 40 minutes.
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