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Make Your Copywriting Exciting, Passionate And Emotional...Without Using Any "Hype" Whatsoev

If you want to know a quick and easy way to inject passion and excitement into your ads without using even a speck of "hype", then here's how one of the world's greatest living copywriters does it.

And why you can do it, too.

Anyway, here's the "secret" in a nutshell:

Get rid of all the exclamation marks...or use them sparingly.

Not only will doing this make your claims seem less hypey...but you'll also stick out like a soar thumb from your competition at the same time.

Now, you may be thinking, "But all the copywriting 'gurus' use tons of exclamation points. Why shouldn't I?"


Not all the gurus do use an endless amount of exclamation points.

In fact, some of the highest paid copywriters in the world hardly use them at all.

For example:

Do you know who Gary Bencivenga is?

He's considered one of the greatest living copywriters in the world, with the track record to prove it.

And guess what?

If you read his ads you'll notice many of them contain few (if any) exclamation marks.


I can't speak for the man, but one reason that seems obvious (to me, at least) is he doesn't need them.

You see, the content of his ads is inherently exciting -- without needing any exclamation marks, empty adjectives or fluff.

Think about it this way:

If someone has a disease that's killing them, and you have the cure, then you don't have to put an exclamation point anywhere in that ad if what you're saying is interesting, exciting and can be backed up.

In other words, you won't have to try and "create"'ll be exciting on its own -- whether you use five exclamation marks after your headline or not.

Now, am I saying ads with exclamation marks are bad?


Many of the best ads ever written -- that pull millions and millions of dollars per year -- are packed with them.

What I am saying is they're not always necessary.

For some markets they work like gangbusters. But in a growing number of markets -- where people are getting sick and tired of reading one hyped-up ad after another -- they can actually hurt sales.

But as with anything, test this yourself and see.

Take one of your ads with a lot of exclamation points, strip them out, and then test what happens.

Depending on what you're selling and who you're selling to, you may just find your response, sales and profits go up dramatically.

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