Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

How Are You Supposed To Handle Special Occasions On The Nutrisystem Diet?

I sometimes hear from people who are very interested in trying the Nutrisystem diet.
But they are concerned about what is going to happen when they have a special occasion that they have to attend.
So, they are hesitant because they just aren't sure as to how this is going to work.
And they don't want to commit to a diet where they are going to feel guilty for occasionally living their life.
As an example, I might hear a comment like: "I am interested in Nutrisystem.
I looked at the menu on the website and many of the foods interest me.
I think that it might be a good fit, but I have concerns.
I don't see anything on the website about being able to take a meal or two off sometimes.
My sister is getting married this summer.
In addition the ceremony itself, there are going to be all types of outings and get togethers.
Like showers and parties.
So what will happen then? Do I have to skip a meal on the day that I know I have a special occasion to make up for it? Is this sort of thing allowed?" While you may not find a lot of literature about taking time off for a special occasion on Nutrisystem, I can tell you that it is occasionally done.
I would highly recommend that you take this question to Nutrisystem and ask them this question via telephone or live chat in order to get an official answer.
But here is my take on it and here is what I commonly see done.
I don't think it's a crime to give yourself permission to enjoy a special occasion every once in a while.
In fact, Nutrisystem does have a part time plan called "Nutrisystem flex" where the folks on that plan take two days off every week.
And, from what I have heard, many folks are quite happy with their results, even with the days off.
Of course, one key to this is that the dieters are highly encouraged to eat sensibly on the days that they take off.
It's common sense that you won't have as good of results if you use those days off for regular pig out sessions each and every week.
That's just common sense.
However, this plan is a good indication that there is room for flexibility in the diet.
And, I don't think that taking off for a special occasion is going to be the end of the world.
In my own life, I have navigated this by trying not to build the thing up so that it's a big deal.
I know that some people will try to cut back on their eating before the event in an attempt to save calories so that when they do indulge, they are keeping the extra calories down.
But I have never found that to work well for me.
I just end up getting anxious about it, then I get hungry because I've been skipping meals.
So I end up eating more than I otherwise would have.
And then I feel guilty afterward to boot.
So it's anxiety followed by guilt which is never a good combination.
So, all in all, the whole thing is just disappointing.
For me, I've found that the best thing that do is to eat normally before the big event and then to just try to be reasonable at that time.
It is better to cheat with fat and protein than with carbs and sugar.
But if this isn't possible, I don't get upset.
I give myself permission to be totally present in the moment and that means enjoying myself.
And the next day, you can bet that I am right back to my normal schedule.
I think that this is the best way to handle it.
Go ahead and allow yourself that special occasion and then just carry on.
Sure, your results may vary a little for that particular week.
But by getting back on the plan right away, your monthly results should still be OK.

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