Health & Medical Parenting

Babysitter Services Checklist

    Contact Information

    • The baby sitter service must have your full name and all phone numbers where you can be reached. Whether you plan to go on an outing for the evening or to work for the day, the service should have the full name and complete address of your location. Provide the baby sitter service with the time you expect to leave work or the event, and give the expected time you plan to return home. Provide alternate contact information. This could be a close friend or family member.

    Emergency Information

    • In addition to posting 911, also post the full house address and telephone by the phone. In an emergency, the baby sitter might not immediately remember this information. Write down the child's full and his or her age. List any allergies the child might have, including food and medication allergies.

    Childcare Information

    • It is important to list instructions for childcare. This includes what the child will eat, bedtime, bath time and other important information. Let the babysitter service know if the child cannot drink liquids after a certain hour, what time the television should be turned off and feeding times if the child is an infant.

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