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How to Measure Nitrogen in Soil

    • 1). Fill a nitrogen test kit bottle or tube with distilled water. The amount of water you use varies by kit, so read the instructions carefully. Most kits include a "fill line" at the appropriate level.

    • 2). Add your soil to the bottle. The kit's instructions provide the most accurate measurement recommendations, but in most cases you'll just add a spoonful of garden soil.

    • 3). Place the cap on the bottle and shake for one minute.

    • 4). Place the bottle on a flat surface and let the dirt settle to the bottom.

    • 5). Remove some of the clear water from the top of the bottle with an eye-dropper. Some nitrogen test kits let you test directly in the same kit where the soil and water were mixed, and others call for a separate small sample. Only remove a sample of water if your kit provides a separate container for the water sample. If only one container is provided, it's safe to assume you can test directly in the existing bottle.

    • 6). Add a nitrate tablet to the sample. The water will change color as the tablet dissolves.

    • 7). Compare the water's color to the color chart provided with your test kit. The colorization of the water indicates approximate nitrogen levels.

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