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Something to Think About From the Parable of the Good Samaritan

Okay, we all know the story but my intention of retelling it is to bring what we probably failed to decipher; the discerning truth about who, indeed is a Good Samaritan, nay a good neighbor.
Come on, sail with me and you shall be blessed.
A man was walking along the road when from nowhere, a gang of robbers attacked him.
They not only robbed him but also injured him.
Along the same road came a Pharisee who saw the injured man, lying on one side of the road bleeding from his injuries.
He slowed to look at him, felt sorry for him and left! Later another one came, a Jew.
He was headed for prayers and was getting late.
He knelt beside the injured and said some quick prayers for him before he hurriedly left.
Preposterous! Finally, along came A Samaritan.
Traditionally, the injured man and the Samaritan would not help each other- more like the racism, tribalism or the bigotry that is in our society today.
The Samaritan was moved with pity.
He slowed his donkey, walked and bent over to the injured man.
He wiped the blood on his body, gave him some water before mounting him onto the back of the donkey.
What an act of mercy it was.
It was a selfless act that Jesus wanted to teach.
Many people hear or read this story and only get to scratch the surface of what really the lesson we can learn from the story.
We shall look at each of the three individuals and why they acted the way they did.
The first man acted the way some us would do today.
I am not afraid to say that I have done the same several times over, though I claim am a born again Christian.
In one incident, it was an accident scene involving a motorcycle.
Though the passenger was very injured, I opted to play opossum.
Well, I mean I deadened my feelings and said to myself: "this is a police matter.
Everybody is watching from the periphery and so why me? I feel sorry for him, though.
" The other man acted in a 'holier than though attitude'.
He was so much engrossed in his spiritual mind to see that it was of no use to him if it can't serve the immediate purpose.
It acquired the term HYPOCRISY.
We act the same now and the then.
God help us.
The last man, the Samaritan embodies the spirit of God.
Today, I ask the spirit of the Samaritan to descend on our souls so that we can help other people and live a blessed life- a truly Samaritan life.
We are called to be true neighbors, true keepers of our brothers and sisters.

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