Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

Hot Tea and Karoake

After having opened the show for national recording artist since high school, singing lead solo for a choir of over 75 members in college, touring with the US Army Soldiers Show, and now singing lead for various local bands while running a full-time training business, she can help you sing.
I train my students on evoking feeling and emotion with each performance.
If a standing ovation is what you want and if you love to sing, but need a vocal coach, keep reading.
Music is the beat, the rhythm, and the rhyme of life.
The art of making beautiful music is about learning how to evoke certain feelings and emotions in your audience.
Follow the steps below to get prepared for your next great performance.
First get in a relaxed frame of mind and warm up your body physically and mentally.
Read positive, inspirational books and material every chance you get.
Get something warm to drink and sip it slowly.
Do warm-up exercises such as me-may-mah-mo-moo, up and down the scales.
Or even sing your favorite song.
Do not scream, shout or grunt.
No rockstar stuff, just sing and feel the words that you are singing in your heart and soul.
Tape record yourself singing, so that you can begin to hear what other people hear when they listen to you perform.
Get a microphone to practice with at home or during your practice sessions.
Study your favorite singer and understand the things that make they voice so unique.
Simple is better, so unless you are a gospel star, don't try to riff and do complicated changes just yet.
Hum your favorite song, at the voice quality and level you would normally sing, so that you can feel where your voice is to be placed when you do sing.
Get a friend or associate to critique and evaluate how your voice really sounds to them.
But, please choose someone who can be direct and impartial.
This is when you really need a reality check, not a yes man.
Yes, you sound good, that was wonderful is not going to make you a better singer.
No matter what, have fun.
Your audience gets their ques from you the singer mostly.
If you are having fun singing and entertaining, they will read your body language that way.
Fun is the name of the game.
Remember, music is the beat, the rhythm, and the rhyme of life.
Have great fun making great music and sing, sing, sing.
See you in the choruses of the world!Sing on...

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