Business & Finance Blogging

How Not To Lose A Great Blog Post

Has this ever happened to you? You're at lunch.
You know that you need to post to your blog today but the "inspiration" for that great idea hasn't hit you yet.
You know that the harder you try to come up with something the more elusive it is.
So you let it go and just enjoy your short time away from your computer.
And then-you get it! The idea doesn't overwhelm you but you feel fairly certain that it has the makings of a solid entry if you could just air it out for a bit at your desk.
Here's where you lose the post.
You tell yourself that you'll file it away in your massive cranium and call it back up when you get a few minutes.
You don't write it down because only nerds carry around pen and paper waiting for an epiphany.
Besides, how hard can it be to remember the gist of that thought anyway? I mean, if you can remember just a few words the rest will just spill onto the page, right? It's not until you get back to work and try to effortlessly call up that mental bookmark that you realize the error of your ways.
You find yourself grasping at what exactly it was that could even have remotely sounded like a great idea for a post.
Or you remember the framework but you can't remember the details that would make it something somebody would want to read about.
You're back where you started from and it's now two or three hours later.
Not a good way to move through your day and feel like you've accomplished a lot, is it? OK.
Here are the three words that can stop this from happening again: WRITE IT DOWN!!! What do you mean by that? I'll give you some tips.
Purchase a small address book sized notebook.
Carry the notebook with you everywhere you go for a week.
Make a note in the notebook of the times of day or week that you find you get the most ideas.
Write down any ideas you get to look at later.
Use detailed, complete sentences because if you write "sharpen sponges" down are you really going to remember what you were thinking? I think not.
After that, you should be able to know when you need your notebook and when you don't.
Carry it at those times and not all the time.
Your brain needs to know that it is not always "on.
" 6.
Finally, these times will change.
Make sure that you re-evaluate from time to time when you're at your creative best and adjust your habits accordingly.
If you'll follow these simple steps you'll be writing great blog post ideas down when you have them and not wasting time trying to remember them hours later.
You don't suppose this same method will work for product ideas too, do you? Jeff

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