Business & Finance Credit

How To Stop Wage Garnishment

Having your wages garnished may be one of the most frustrating of all frustrating financial situations. Instead of having control over your own money, you have no choice but to let another person or organization take a cut of your hard-earned cash each time you get a paycheck. If your wages are being garnished or you’re almost to that point, you can take a couple of steps to stop wage garnishment.

One of the best ways to keep your wages from being garnished is to work out an agreement with your creditor. For the most part, creditors like to get as much money from you as quickly as they can. Instead of taking small amounts from your paycheck, they would really rather be paid in full within a few months. If a creditor is threatening to garnish your wages, call to see what plan you can work out to avoid this problem.

If this doesn’t work and the wage garnishment is making it impossible for you to keep soul and body together, you can always file for bankruptcy. This is a pretty heavy decision, of course, but it can help you keep more of your money in your pockets so that you can pay the necessary bills.

Another choice is to try to get the garnishment reversed in the court that granted it in the first place. In order to do this, you’ll have to get together official documents showing you monthly living expenses – these being the ones that you really can’t live without – and your monthly income. If you can prove that the garnishment is leaving you with less than enough to live on, you may be able to get to court to change the writ of garnishment. Sometimes the writ can be totally set aside, and other times, it can lower the amount of wages that the creditor can garnish.

Finally, your last option is to make do with the garnishment. You may be able to get a loan from a friend or family member to help you pay off the debt in full, in which case the garnishment will be terminated. If you aren’t struggling too much to put food on the table and a roof over your head even with the garnishment, though, you may want to just keep on paying it until the debt is paid off. At least then you’ll be out of debt.

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