Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

A New Germ Theory

Since the swine flu is making the headlines on a daily basis right now, I think it would be instructive to reflect back on some of the other scary germs we've been threatened with in the past few decades and see what we can learn.
Before the swine flu there was bird flu.
Before that, there was SARS, anthrax, smallpox, E.
coli, Ebola, almost yearly predictions of "the worst flu season ever", legionnaires' disease, the 1976 swine flu, flesh eating viruses...
Most of these "deadly viruses" have been built up by the media and the CDC as potential pandemics.
And yet, each one fizzled and fell out of the news cycle in a matter of weeks or months.
This makes me wonder: are the people who run the CDC paranoid or are they trying to keep us scared of germs for a reason? To justify their yearly cries of "pandemic" these paranoid germophobes always site the 1918 Spanish flu, which killed millions worldwide.
But recent evidence suggests that the people who died that flu season actually died of a strep infection, which is not a flu at all, but a bacteria.
That "flu" also happened at the end of World War I.
Antibiotics had not been invented yet, there was massive worldwide stress, millions of fathers, sons and husbands had been killed in the war, sanitation was poor, and tens of thousands of soldiers had been living in cold, muddy trenches for months at a time.
Needless to say, the situation was a little different from what we have today.
So why would our healthcare leaders cry "pandemic" at the site of every little outbreak? I think the most likely reason is to sell a lot of drugs.
When the media goes into a frenzy about a germ, the public panics and the government has to respond.
The only way they know how to respond is to stockpile drugs and vaccines.
This makes the drug companies very happy.
Then the story is dropped and a year or so later a new germ is brought out.
The thing we all need to remember is, much like predatory cats, germs prey on the weak.
People with strong immune systems don't even catch let alone die from these germs.
But this is actually an oversimplification.
The truth is, in many cases, we don't catch germs; rather our bodies create them.
The human body is not sterile - nor is it meant to be.
A healthy human body has approximately 4 pounds of bacteria living in symbiosis with the cells you consider "you".
That means you actually have more bacteria in your body than you have cells! Killing these friendly bugs disrupts the delicate balance that is your internal ecology and inevitably leads to yeast and fungal infections.
Bacteria have a lifecycle that includes up to 13 different stages.
This process is somewhat analogous to a tadpole turning into a frog, however bacteria go up and down the cycle many times during their lives.
Where they are in that cycle depends entirely upon the terrain they inhabit.
The simplest form these germs take on is known as a prion, but when necessary they become bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites.
This is a little-known but observable fact known as pleomorphism.
In the cycle of life, everything has a purpose - germs included.
Prions, for example, are necessary for cells to be able to divide.
Without them, life would never have taken hold on this planet.
Bacteria have a purpose, too.
When bacteria come upon dead or diseased tissue, they eat it and turn that tissue back into soil.
This is how dead plants and animals decay.
This recycling process is absolutely necessary for life to continue on earth.
It's a beautiful, self-sustaining system.
The same thing happens in your body.
When you have diseased tissue, swollen tonsils for example, bacteria move into that area to start the recycling process.
But they're not CAUSING the problem any more than rats CAUSE garbage.
They're there to clean up the mess.
They're there because you've inadvertently created the perfect terrain for bacteria to live, just as leaving garbage about creates the perfect terrain for rats.
The cause of the problem was something else, like toxins, stress, too much sugar in the diet, etc.
(For the 7 causes of all disease, visit my website http://www.
There are often symptoms that coincide with this cleaning process that we interpret as sickness.
Fever, swollen tonsils, mucous, cough...
But these symptoms are an integral part of the healing process.
Each one serves a purpose and is a part of your body's infinite wisdom.
When your doctor swabs your throat and finds bacteria there, he interprets that as an infection and gives you some bug killer (antibiotics).
This alleviates your symptoms, which you interpret as a cure, but it also stops the healing process.
The tissue is still diseased and the germs will eventually come back.
After all, that's their job.
And, as mentioned previously, it also causes yeast overgrowth and fungal infections, which are much harder problems to correct.
Does pleomorphism explain all infective processes? No, but it does explain most of them.
Even Louis Pasteur, infamous germophobe that he was, recanted his life's work on his deathbed.
He said, "The germ is nothing; the terrain is everything.
" So mind your terrain and forget about the germ.

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