Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Why the Gluten Free Diet Won"t Stop Your Diarrhea and Fatigue from Celiac Disease - And What Will

I am about to share with you how I stopped by diarrhea and chronic fatigue from my Celiac Disease in 7 days...
and if you think that a gluten free diet had something to do with it than this is going to be the most important article you have ever read.
  If you want to remain a victim of Celiac Disease than stop reading because I am going to explain exactly why a gluten free diet doesn't always stop the diarrhea and chronic fatigue from Celiac Disease and isn't really the "cure".
When I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2007 I couldn't have been happier...
I finally had a reason to explain the horrible diarrhea and fatigue that was controlling my life, and it had a cure!  I was ecstatic that all I had to do was stop eating gluten...
but if you are reading this right now you probably ran into the same wall I did.
  I obsessively lived a gluten free diet for almost 2 years and I couldn't stop the embarrassing diarrhea and chronic fatigue and was paranoid that I was getting "glutened" somehow.
An excellent holistic Dr.
that I saw taught me about what was really going on and told me to start the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD Diet) and it only took 7 days on the diet before my diarrhea finally stopped.
  That was almost two years ago and I feel better than I have ever felt in my entire life!  If you listen to what I am going to tell you about the SCD Diet and start it properly, you too can stop your diarrhea and regain the energy to jump out of bed every morning in only 30 days.
  If you don't listen and ignore the four steps I share with you below, you're going to keep trying to figure out where you're getting gluten contamination and never stop being controlled by the symptoms of this disease.
  A gluten free diet is not the "cure" for Celiac Disease...
not even a little bit.
  When Celiac disease is diagnosed the body has usually reached an extremely inflamed state, especially in the gut.
  When the gut is inflamed it causes the immune system to defend itself by going after the tiny digestive fingers in the small intestine called the microvilli...
by destroying them.
  It turns out they are critically important and our body needs them to effectively break down complex foods like starches, grains, and sugars (foods like potatoes, corn, rice, milk, table sugar, soy, milk, etc.
not just gluten.
  Without those microvilli, the body can't properly break down complex foods into the simple forms it needs them to be in to get any benefit.
As the microvilli slowly deteriorate and stop breaking down foods into their simple form, the intestinal track stops being able to absorb the nutrients they were supposed to turn into.
 When the body doesn't get nutrients from food it becomes malnourished...
causing fatigue and making it really hard to get out bed in the morning!  What about all that undigested food?  The small intestine ships it to the ileum (the end of the small intestine) and the large intestines where bad species of bacteria devour it like a feast.
  These bad guys are not supposed to get fed like this and while they do, they grow and multiply into a proverbial army, taking up space in the small intestine where they are not supposed to live.
 The body remains inflamed and the bad guys are taking control of the gut, giving you severe diarrhea and poor absorption (malabsorption).
  The body is left in a state that it cannot digest anything complex, which is a whole lot more than just gluten.
 With no means to break down foods, no nutrients are being absorbed, and the bad guys are growing stronger while giving you chronic diarrhea.
  The only way to change this pattern that causes diarrhea and chronic fatigue is first: starve out the bad bacteria by only eating foods in their simple form so that the body doesn't need to break it down and second: replace the much needed nutrients and regain your energy by only eating things that the body can easily absorb.
The Specific Carbohydrate Diet does both of those very effectively by eliminating complex carbohydrates (sugars, starches, and grains) and giving the body simple foods to replenish the nutrients and cool inflammation.
  Elaine Gottschall wrote a book called, "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" where she detailed this process in exact science and also describes the SCD Diet and how to follow it.
  The bottom line is this: the only way to stop diarrhea and chronic fatigue from Celiac Disease is to properly start the SCD Diet and try it for 30 days.
I am going to outline the exact four step process that I used to properly start the SCD Diet and stop my diarrhea and chronic fatigue in 30 days: Step 1: I chose a day to prepare the SCD Diet intro diet foods to get ready to start the diet (pick a day like a Saturday...
weekends make it easy).
Step 2: I spent that Saturday making the SCD Intro diet chicken soup, pureed carrots, beef patties, and chicken so that all the foods are ready to properly start the 3 day intro diet.
Step 3: I strictly followed the SCD intro diet for 3 days and only ate intro diet foods.
Step 4: I properly transitioned out of the intro diet to the regular SCD Diet and follow it with strict adherence for the rest of my 30 day trial.
If you follow these 4 steps I used to properly start the SCD Diet and try it for 30 days, you will stop the diarrhea and chronic fatigue from Celiac Disease that a gluten free diet can't.
  It only took me 7 days and my symptoms were gone...
and I have been on the diet for almost two years now.
  Here's what you can do right now to make sure that you properly start the SCD diet: Download our free guide "How to Properly Start the SCD Intro Diet in 24 Hours": Free SCD Diet Guide.
Once you have downloaded it, print it out and follow it step-by-step to properly start the SCD Diet and finally get a handle on your Celiac Disease like I did.
  If you download the free guide today and get started on the SCD Diet, you can stop your diarrhea and regain your energy in 30 days.
  Take the necessary steps to stop the symptoms of Celiac Disease that a gluten free diet can't.

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