The Koran Deception by Anonymous - Book Review
Infinity Publishing Company (2007) ISBN 9780741438263 "The Koran Deception" is a compilation of selected portions from the Bible and from the writings of Mohammed.
These references from the Koran and the Biblical writings are paralleled to point out the differences and the inconsistencies of the Koran.
The author takes the position that "To be an informed believer, the believer has to have knowledge of the Old Testament.
With knowledge of the Old Testament an informed believer of the Koran will see the discrepancies and error of the Koran.
" With this in mind he further states, "Mohammed has created a false religion and by his own word has condemned himself and his followers.
" He then shows from writings in the Koran that "Mohammed's own words point you to the true religion, the religion of the Old Testament, to Moses and to the Ten Commandments and to the laws of passed down to Moses.
" The writings chosen reveal contradictions and deviations of the Koran from the Hebrew Scriptures of the Old Testament.
It is interesting to note the disparity of the Biblical precepts on prayer and intercession for a non-believer, and the admonition of the Koran not to intercede for an infidel, or non-believer, but to pray for them to be cursed.
Reference in the Koran, to the Word of God, points out its perfection and yet leaves room for abrogation or an improved revelation.
The author asks, "Does this imply there are errors to be found in the Scriptures?" Passages from the writing of Mohammed claim that he is preserving the Old Testament from corruption while in fact the writings clearly give evidence of an attempt to do the opposite and twist the Old Testament writing.
"The Koran Deception" assumes a familiarity of the Old Testament is organized with books, chapters, and verses as well as a basic understanding of the makeup of the Koran.
A brief explanation of both as an appendix would be helpful to a reader, whether, Moslem, Jew, or Christian, who is seeking insight but is unfamiliar with the writings being compared.
However, the current approach has left me with enough curiosity to research further into the writings of Mohammed, especially, in a day when "tolerance" of Eastern religions has become the norm.
The book clearly illustrates how easily a casual reader can be deceived.
The "deception" of the Koran will not be easily spotted in a cursory reading of the book but a close reading or further study will lead to understanding.
I personally have been challenged to reexamine my own faith and to be more cognizant of the ease with which an individual can be deceived.
This compilation, "The Koran Deception," is an excellent introduction to deception and inconsistency of the Koran for stimulating classroom discussions, for personal insight, and for further study.
Reviewed by Richard R.
Blake for Reader Views (5/08)
These references from the Koran and the Biblical writings are paralleled to point out the differences and the inconsistencies of the Koran.
The author takes the position that "To be an informed believer, the believer has to have knowledge of the Old Testament.
With knowledge of the Old Testament an informed believer of the Koran will see the discrepancies and error of the Koran.
" With this in mind he further states, "Mohammed has created a false religion and by his own word has condemned himself and his followers.
" He then shows from writings in the Koran that "Mohammed's own words point you to the true religion, the religion of the Old Testament, to Moses and to the Ten Commandments and to the laws of passed down to Moses.
" The writings chosen reveal contradictions and deviations of the Koran from the Hebrew Scriptures of the Old Testament.
It is interesting to note the disparity of the Biblical precepts on prayer and intercession for a non-believer, and the admonition of the Koran not to intercede for an infidel, or non-believer, but to pray for them to be cursed.
Reference in the Koran, to the Word of God, points out its perfection and yet leaves room for abrogation or an improved revelation.
The author asks, "Does this imply there are errors to be found in the Scriptures?" Passages from the writing of Mohammed claim that he is preserving the Old Testament from corruption while in fact the writings clearly give evidence of an attempt to do the opposite and twist the Old Testament writing.
"The Koran Deception" assumes a familiarity of the Old Testament is organized with books, chapters, and verses as well as a basic understanding of the makeup of the Koran.
A brief explanation of both as an appendix would be helpful to a reader, whether, Moslem, Jew, or Christian, who is seeking insight but is unfamiliar with the writings being compared.
However, the current approach has left me with enough curiosity to research further into the writings of Mohammed, especially, in a day when "tolerance" of Eastern religions has become the norm.
The book clearly illustrates how easily a casual reader can be deceived.
The "deception" of the Koran will not be easily spotted in a cursory reading of the book but a close reading or further study will lead to understanding.
I personally have been challenged to reexamine my own faith and to be more cognizant of the ease with which an individual can be deceived.
This compilation, "The Koran Deception," is an excellent introduction to deception and inconsistency of the Koran for stimulating classroom discussions, for personal insight, and for further study.
Reviewed by Richard R.
Blake for Reader Views (5/08)