Major Spiritual Awakenings From Pentecost to Billy Graham, A Book Report
Crokett, proponent of revival, also author of Basic Methodist Beliefs, Major Methodist Emphases, Understanding Christ and Great Revivals in All Times has given decades of service to the Christian ministry in the Methodist Church.
He has constantly kept the true spirit of revivalism in his ministry and this book is the fruition of many years of diligent study and wide reading in this field.
We are deeply indebted to him for clearly showing that the deep underlying current of a true revival will bring a real spirit of righteousness.
TYPE Revival SUMMARY The history of revival has truly been the history of the church.
Crockett demonstrates that from the time of King Josiah to Billy Graham and after that the Spirit of God has worked and is working in the true revivalism.
It is noteworthy that the history of the church cannot be written without giving large space to the upsurge in its life that has come through the revivals.
Evangelism is seen as a popular word that is so often misused.
True evangelism will always have revivalism as one of its essential features.
This book could well be a modern apology for the true spirit of revivals in the past and present.
The author mentions very favorably every type of evangelism that is used in the modern world and demonstrates the strategic place that revivals have occupied in the history of the church from the Old Testament times to the present.
He convincingly presents the truth of the Holy Spirit working and through revivals.
This book should form part of the library of every Christian worker.
QUOTABLE QUOTES "What the Wesleyan revival accomplished under adverse conditions should convince us beyond a shadow of doubt that men dedicated to the purpose of God and clothed with divine power can promote spiritual revivals".
"In many of our churches we desperately need a revival that will make clear the condition of the natural man as that condition is reflected in Scriptures; and that will make the Gospel live again in its saving power, and that will bring regeneration to the human spirit".
DISTINCTIVE FEATURE Although the history of revivals span several centuries, all true spiritual revivals that produce abiding results come from God.
They are not worked up and manipulated by human hands and worldly devices.
They originate in heaven and come upon communities in answer to conquering prayers.
USEFULNESS An invaluable tool for every Christian worker, especially ministerial brethren.
It will do inestimable good to the young and mature Christians as a basis of study for a revival in their own churches.
Crokett, proponent of revival, also author of Basic Methodist Beliefs, Major Methodist Emphases, Understanding Christ and Great Revivals in All Times has given decades of service to the Christian ministry in the Methodist Church.
He has constantly kept the true spirit of revivalism in his ministry and this book is the fruition of many years of diligent study and wide reading in this field.
We are deeply indebted to him for clearly showing that the deep underlying current of a true revival will bring a real spirit of righteousness.
TYPE Revival SUMMARY The history of revival has truly been the history of the church.
Crockett demonstrates that from the time of King Josiah to Billy Graham and after that the Spirit of God has worked and is working in the true revivalism.
It is noteworthy that the history of the church cannot be written without giving large space to the upsurge in its life that has come through the revivals.
Evangelism is seen as a popular word that is so often misused.
True evangelism will always have revivalism as one of its essential features.
This book could well be a modern apology for the true spirit of revivals in the past and present.
The author mentions very favorably every type of evangelism that is used in the modern world and demonstrates the strategic place that revivals have occupied in the history of the church from the Old Testament times to the present.
He convincingly presents the truth of the Holy Spirit working and through revivals.
This book should form part of the library of every Christian worker.
QUOTABLE QUOTES "What the Wesleyan revival accomplished under adverse conditions should convince us beyond a shadow of doubt that men dedicated to the purpose of God and clothed with divine power can promote spiritual revivals".
"In many of our churches we desperately need a revival that will make clear the condition of the natural man as that condition is reflected in Scriptures; and that will make the Gospel live again in its saving power, and that will bring regeneration to the human spirit".
DISTINCTIVE FEATURE Although the history of revivals span several centuries, all true spiritual revivals that produce abiding results come from God.
They are not worked up and manipulated by human hands and worldly devices.
They originate in heaven and come upon communities in answer to conquering prayers.
USEFULNESS An invaluable tool for every Christian worker, especially ministerial brethren.
It will do inestimable good to the young and mature Christians as a basis of study for a revival in their own churches.