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Is Cellulite Permanent?

Perhaps the most popular question people ask about cellulite is if it is permanent.
With over 85% of the women in the nation affected, it makes sense that they want to know if and how to get rid of cellulite.
Another reason that so many women wonder if they can get rid of it is because of how embarrassing the problem is.
Most women who suffer from cellulite have a hard time going out in public in certain clothes.
For example, many women who have cellulite on their legs have a hard time wearing shorts, while others won't even attempt to wear a bathing suit.
Unfortunately, the answer to the question is that yes cellulite is permanent, which means once you develop it there is no way to get rid of it completely.
Although you can't get rid of cellulite for good, there are plenty of different things that you can do to help reduce the appearance.
Many women find reducing the appearance of cellulite to be almost as satisfying as getting rid of it for good because it allows them to gain back the confidence that they once had.
Lifestyle Changes Making certain lifestyle changes is one of the best things that anybody can do to help reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Losing weight might help because you will be getting rid of some of the extra fat stored in your body.
When trying to lose weight you need to remember that there is no miracle cure, the only way it can be done for good is through changing how you eat and starting to exercise.
When changing how you eat you will want to reduce the number of calories that you are consuming each day, so that your body can effectively burn the excess.
Exercise is needed to burn calories so that they don't turn into fat, as excess fat often turns into cellulite.
Ideal exercise would include strength training and aerobics at least three times a week.
Massage and Cellulite Cream Massage is another method that you can try to help reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Many people often use an anti-cellulite cream along with a massage for better results.
There are plenty of things that you can use during the massage that can be found at home, such as olive oil or even olive mixed with coffee grinds.
Massages may be able to help reduce the appearance of cellulite because the massaging motion works on breaking down the excess fat back into the body where it can be temporarily redistributed.
The biggest problem with massages is that they are only a temporary fix, even though it is possible to see visible results within a few days.
While there are many things that you might be able to try to help reduce the appearance of cellulite most of them are just temporary.
The only way to get rid of cellulite is to reduce the appearance of it through eating right and staying active, but if you don't practice these lifestyle changes every day, the cellulite will come back.

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