Health & Medical Women's Health

You Can Overcome Female Sexual Dysfunction

When the subject of sexual dysfunction comes up on TV or commonly occuring articles on the internet or magazines, it's usually in the context of sexual dysfunction in men. Women are usually advised on how to increase their current level of satisfaction (which apparently is too often taken for granted!). However, female sexual dysfunction is a common occurence, and will fall into two categories: physical and psychological.

The physical causes are rooted in such factors as diabetes, heart disease, neurological disorders, menopause, hormonal imbalance, alcoholism, drug abuse, various medications, and a hysterectomy. These factors, though they present problems in their own individual ways, all will have deleterious effects upon either blood circulation, the ability to feel sensation, or general energy levels. Specifically, one may not be able to attain or maintain arousal, or not reach orgasm in spite of being aroused. There may often be a lack of desire or interest in sex, or painful intercourse if one soldiers on.

On the psychological side, causes are rooted in general stress and anxiety, marital or relationship issues, or outright depression. The resulting problems are pretty much the same as those associated with physical causes. Moreover, causes that were originally physical in nature but left unattended or uncorrected, may lead to psychological issues. If you, because of a physical issue, are unable to satisfy your partner over a period of time, may easily start experiencing anxiety over the situation, which, of course, exacerbates the original problem. Add to that the fact that your partner may start to feel inadequate, and you now have a bad situation that is feeding upon itself, and possible undermining the whole relationship.

Fortunately, there are medications, therapies, and other strategies to cope with most causes of female sexual dysfunction. A report from the Mayo Clinic on female sexual dysfunction lists treatments for medical conditions that include adjusting or changing medications that have sexual side effects, treating thyroid problems or other hormonal conditions, optimizing treatment for depression or anxiety, and employing medically recommended strategies to help with pain problems. For hormonal causes they mention the use of estrogen therapy which can rejuvinate vaginal function, and androgen (male hormone) therapy which can aid libido.

Psychological causes may not lend themselves to simple straightforward remedies, but patience and insight will usually go a long way. Couple counseling will put a lot out on the table and increase understanding and peace of mind. By communicating more with your partner, more light can be shed upon each of your likes and dislikes in and out of bed. Taking relaxation time-outs from daily stress has definite benefits. That can include meditation and yoga. Regular meaningful exercise will definitely relieve stress and increase your ability to relax.

Finally, one must not underestimate the power of old fashioned romance! It starts outside of the bedroom with the special gestures and favors that one does for their partner. When both partners find themselves in an atmosphere of warmth and love together, the positive emotions will generate the type of sexual energy that promotes rewarding lovemaking. Within that context should be considered seriously the theraputic benefits of various types of sexual aids. The extra stimulation they provide can greatly assist in and amplify overall arousal and achievement of orgasm.

In short, though you may be experiencing some aspects of female sexual dysfunction, there is absolutely no reason to dispare. By utilizing the proper strategies and tools, you will be able to have a very rewarding romantic and sexual life. Good luck

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