Business & Finance Outsourcing

Solving MACD Madness

Morning traffic before work, at its very best, is unpleasant.
When you finally arrive at your desk, the last place you want to be stuck in is more traffic.
But not just any traffic, virtual traffic.
The grid-lock of ordering telecom services arises from disparate request forms, countless e-mails, voice-mails, paper documents, or worse, rely on word-of-mouth.
Enterprises that lack a unified provisioning system face lag time, inefficiencies, and errors when it comes to ordering services.
Enterprises are recognizing that ending service-delays and detours requires addressing the problem at the very beginning with provisioning.
Changes, Now Time is a significant factor when it comes to addressing telecom order issues.
Changing data services for an existing office, adding new voice services to a new office, and disconnecting services for a defunct office requires fast and accurate action.
The complexity of ordering telecom services makes it important to have a flexible and scalable workflow.
Enabling an organization to efficiently make moves, adds, changes, or disconnect (MACD) circuits, as well as report service problems and track resolutions all within one system, turns ordering telecom services into a straightforward process.
A robust provisioning solution creates a central repository for ordering services.
This ensures improved accuracy because orders are routed through an interface that makes validation for approval seamless.
Faster provisioning, invoicing, and fewer service problems are attained when utilizing a provisioning tool.
Clients can track orders, make changes, and check the status or their order at any time, eliminating confusion by creating a consistent process for ordering telecom services.
Welcomed Bonus A comprehensive provisioning solution is pivotal to automatically updating an enterprises' inventory.
Automatic updates allow an enterprise to accurately maintain its IT assets, which answers the question 'is circuit xyz disconnected'.
The provisioning system is really what enables an organization to only pay for services it is using and makes it possible to have total control over telecom spend.
As an integral part of the telecom lifecycle, provisioning sets the rhythm for other solutions including inventory control, invoice processing, and chargeback.
From the Carrier Perspective Carriers are also recognizing the added benefits for their enterprise clients in utilizing a centralized provisioning system.
It helps remove service delays and avoids billing mistakes.
It also allows their staff to spend less time with fixing orders, freeing them to provide other service benefits.
For this reason, carriers are extending eBonding capabilities that enable provisioning systems from telecom expense management providers to link directly with a carrier's ordering system.
These eBonding capabilities represent the future of provisioning by using Web services to accelerate the provisioning process.
Improving the Process Beyond just pure cost savings, implementing a telecom expense management (TEM) solution focuses on creating accountability, eliminating inefficiencies, and increasing productivity.
Enterprises engaging in a TEM solution can remedy their telecom expenditures by taking control and streamlining the workflow process.
Provisioning is a significant and important step in that direction.

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