Octagon Craft
- Craft foam or felt can be used to create octagon-shaped monsters and critters. Cut out different colored pieces to create eyes, a nose and a mouth for your octagon monster. Buttons or sequins can also be used for facial features. Let your child's imagination go wild when designing their own octagon character. Hang the octagon monster up or make small ones to hang as ornaments.
- Craft foam board can be used to construct simple octagon picture frames. You need a front and back piece for your frame. One side just needs the window for the picture to look out of. You can decorate the edges of the octagon frame for added sparkle with glitter, sequins, small beads, or cut out shapes from craft foam or felt and glue them on for added design. Tie yarn to the top of the frame for hanging, or glue a magnet to the back instead.
- Coasters are quick and simple to make out of plastic canvas. You just need some different colors of yarn and a plastic canvas needle to stitch designs and patterns onto the octagon shapes. Create a matching set or make them all different. Small trinket boxes can also be made from panels of plastic canvas. You need eight square pieces for the edges and a panel for the bottom and lid. Stitch your panels together to create the octagon box, and add the panel for the bottom. Trinket boxes and coasters make inexpensive gifts for home decor.
- Cross-stitch your own octagon design to hang and frame. All you need is DMC floss, Aida cloth and a cross-stitching needle. Patterns are available to purchase in craft stores or on the Internet at craft sites. Octagon patterns are often seen in quilting designs. Cross-stitch a design of your own. Small cross-stitched bookmarks are also made with simple designs and words. Small cross-stitch designs can also be cut to fit into blank key chains used for pictures.