Family & Relationships Conflict

Do I Try to Get My Ex Boyfriend Back, Or Start a New Relationship - What Should I Do?

When you break up with someone, you have two choices: fight to get them back, or just get over it.
Your choice clearly depends on how you feel about this person you have lost.
If you are interested in getting your ex back into your life, you need to focus your efforts on making this happen.
You are the only person who knows if this other person brings you joy and will complete you.
You may get advice from your family and friends, but do not forget that their opinions are not objective.
If you have single friends, their secret jealousy may make them inclined to suggest actions that will have you remain single.
They may also not like your choice in relationship partners, so they will not offer you helpful advice to get them back.
People separate for a huge variety of reasons.
Many times, this divide cannot be recovered from, and we just need to accept it.
If your breakup is the result of a small misunderstanding or fight, it is possible to rescue the relationship if one of you is willing to compromise.
Think about how you really feel prior to making a final decision on how to proceed.
Is your only motivation to reunite for revenge on your ex, dumping them so they feel as bad as you did? That kind of behavior is juvenile.
If this is why you want to get back together, stop right there.
If you genuinely think that your ex is very important to your life and happiness, create a plan to re-establish intimate contact.

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