Kolbe Index - Are You Playing Your Cards Right?
Have you ever contemplated "If only I could change him a little...
"? Has anyone ever tried to "mold" you into a different person? Have you felt frustrated trying to fit into your job? It could be that you're just not playing the right cards.
First of all, it's important to accept that you can't change a person's basic characteristics.
Behaviors can evolve over time, but you'll always be the same person at heart.
In your personal, professional or any other type of relationships, give up trying to change the other person.
It's a complete waste of time.
However, to be successful and happy it's essential that you learn to know yourself.
It just doesn't make sense to try and fit into a suit that's not your size.
To objectively make this happen, the best system I've ever found is the Kolbe index.
This short, but spookily accurate assessment, was designed by Kathy Kolbe in 1970 and has been in use by multinational corporations ever since.
It has helped companies form great teams and individuals to realize why some tasks are easy for them while others seem totally impossible.
Unlike personality tests which are used to identify problems and IQ tests which only measure theoretical possibilities, the Kolbe index will give you an accurate account of your own instinctive qualities.
Instead of guessing at what you could do, or forecasting what you want to do, this simple yet powerful tool will accurately tell you what you will do.
We use the Kolbe index in all our hiring and the results are truly spectacular.
By understanding the innate qualities of our employees, we are able to adjust their jobs to take complete advantage of their strong points instead of trying to make them adjust to a theoretical "best practice".
"? Has anyone ever tried to "mold" you into a different person? Have you felt frustrated trying to fit into your job? It could be that you're just not playing the right cards.
First of all, it's important to accept that you can't change a person's basic characteristics.
Behaviors can evolve over time, but you'll always be the same person at heart.
In your personal, professional or any other type of relationships, give up trying to change the other person.
It's a complete waste of time.
However, to be successful and happy it's essential that you learn to know yourself.
It just doesn't make sense to try and fit into a suit that's not your size.
To objectively make this happen, the best system I've ever found is the Kolbe index.
This short, but spookily accurate assessment, was designed by Kathy Kolbe in 1970 and has been in use by multinational corporations ever since.
It has helped companies form great teams and individuals to realize why some tasks are easy for them while others seem totally impossible.
Unlike personality tests which are used to identify problems and IQ tests which only measure theoretical possibilities, the Kolbe index will give you an accurate account of your own instinctive qualities.
Instead of guessing at what you could do, or forecasting what you want to do, this simple yet powerful tool will accurately tell you what you will do.
We use the Kolbe index in all our hiring and the results are truly spectacular.
By understanding the innate qualities of our employees, we are able to adjust their jobs to take complete advantage of their strong points instead of trying to make them adjust to a theoretical "best practice".