Health & Medical Muscles & Bones & Joints Diseases

Nail Fungus - The Silent Disease

Nail fungus are small organisms that affect both finger and toe nails.
Also known as dermatophytes, they do not possess chlorophyll, and so thrive in moist and warm environments, which is why they are mostly found under nails.
The nails provide a protective and ideal atmosphere for nail fungus to grow, and they are very difficult to reach once they settle under the nails.
Nail fungus are very common, mostly because they are very easily spread from one person to the other.
They live in places that are moist, and mostly affect the toenails, because they are more susceptible to come into contact with them.
Nail fungus are most commonly spread in bathrooms and toilets, but can also be spread through the sharing of instruments such as clippers and files.
This rapid spread can however be prevented, by observing some basic hygiene rules.
For instance, regular washing of the feet and hands with soap and water, as well a thorough drying after washing goes a long way in preventing a nail fungus infection.
As much as possible, desist from taking showers bare footed, especially when you share the baths with other people.
To prevent moisture from building up, talcum foot powders should be used, most especially when tight or full shoes are regularly worn during the day.
If you have to wear shoes throughout the day, wear those that fit but are not tight, then at night, you should let your feet relax by going to bed without socks.
If you must wear socks, then they must be ones made from synthetic fiber, which tends to absorb more moisture than cotton ones.
Again, it would be the best to own a personal pedicure and manicure set, as well as hand sanitizers to help prevent the transfer of nail fungus, otherwise ensure that all instruments are thoroughly sterilized before using them.
In addition, the rate of wearing artificial nails should be reduced.
With these, the chances of getting infected are reduced.
However, if you do get infected somehow, it is necessary to seek a nail fungal infection treatment as soon as possible.
This is very important.
The earlier you seek professional treatment, the better your chances of recovery.
Nail fungus infections usually exhibits that are easy to spot, the most common ones being the discoloration of finger and toe nails.
This is usually accompanied by thickening and splitting of toe and finger nails.
When left unattended for a period of time, these infections can become very unsightly and painful.
Only in rare cases do home treatments for nail fungus infections work.
Usually, they end up worsening the case.
Medical treatments are generally more successful and faster.
There are various antifungal drugs that can be bought over the counter to treat nail fungus infections, such as antifungal cleansers.
However, nail fungal infection treatment usually comes in the form of strong antifungal ointments of pills.
For a quicker and more effective treatment, both forms are usually prescribed.

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