Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

5 Good Reasons to Quit Smoking

It doesn't matter what your age is or the time that you've been smoking, to quit smoking will help you to live more time and healthier.
The people who stop smoking before 50 reduce to half their risk of dying in next the fifteen years in comparison with those people who continue smoking.
The ex-smokers enjoy better quality life, less diseases related to colds and the influenza virus, they report to have better health, as well as a reduction of the rates of bronchitis and pneumonia.
The United States Department of Health and Human Services has reported during decades the health risks associated with the habit of smoking.
In addition, in 1990 the United States Department of Health concluded the following: - Quit smoking offers important and immediate benefits for the health of men and women of all the ages.
These benefits apply to the people who already suffer an associated disease from the habit of smoking as well as those that do not suffer it.
- The ex-smokers live more time than the people who continue with the habit.
- Leaving the habit reduces the risk of suffering lung cancer, heart attacks, strokes and chronic lung diseases.
- The women who stop smoking before being pregnant or during the first three to four months of pregnancy reduce the risk of having a low weight baby at the same level of the women who never have smoked.
- The benefits to the health overcome by much any risk of a small increase of weight (10 pounds) or any psychological or emotional problem that could happen after stopping smoking.

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