Joyride for Xbox 360 Kinect: More Than Just a Video Game?
The Xbox 360 'Joyride' for Kinect: More than just a Video Game? Now when I first sat down and started writing (typing really), I had thoughts of just a simple review, some witty dialogue on the Newly released Video game for kinect:'Joyride', for the Xbox 360.But something funny occurred to me regarding the title I had chosen for my article however, and it didn't take me long to realize what it was. The title was synonymous with my passion for Video games. No matter what you may think of any particular system or newly released game in particular,there is one common bond that all gamers share. We want quite simply "A joyride". Whatever your style, or choice of video game may be, we all must admit that incredible advances ( even if just in availability) have been made in recent years in our favorite industry.And so it was that I began to wonder "is it more than just a game?" I have to say "yes" it is more. In order to compete with technology that the Nintendo Wii was bringing to the video game and game console market.Microsoft took a chance and released what some may already know is basically revamped, reworked and redone technology from an earlier era.In fact 'kinect' is a reborn version of "natal". Believe it or not years ago this type of camera technology was available for the PC, some of you may even remember the volleyball style games. Now of course I realize that this "camera" system is actually more than just a camera. It has progressed to incredible heights allowing us freedoms only imagined before. Say what you like about the Kinect system, but to be truthful "It Works" When I say that it works, I mean it really does allow you to become the controller. At first you wonder how can it see my feet?, my hands?, will it be responsive and without lag? How will "Joyride" compare to other video racing games? Well,as I touched on briefly just a little earlier the Kinect Sensor is more than just a single camera, and to try to explain it's technology is not the purpose of my article. Let it be enough I guess that it does see your hands and feet.It is responsive and without lag. Most importantly... It will and does not compare with other racing games.Quite simply to say 'Racing' game to me conjures up images of Forza.In fact the truth is Joyride is more remeniscent of a "Mario kart" style of race game. You know the kind, Joyride is... suitable for kids of all ages, A little bit race, a little bit survival, and a little bit luck.All equalling Big Fun! Don't expect ultra realism, that is in fact not what they are going for, instead expect Bright colors,Adrenaline charged tracks and action,Battle Modes,Race modes,Stunt modes.In the end I guess if Microsoft "Joyride" turned into a synonym for something more. I guess I could say... it's because it's a great new game,and a great addition to the Xbox 360 lineup. They were 1st to release something non mainstream and make it work,So I say to you, the designers of the Nintendo Wii 'Thank you' we'll always be grateful to you for it,but I think it's time to move over.Microsoft seems to have caught up. I am the new controller,and the sky is the limit.