Business & Finance Credit

How to Clean Bad Credit - 4 Tips to Clean Up Credit Reports and Boost Your FICO Score

There is no better time then right now to clean bad credit from your report and start boosting your FICO scores.
Even if you have no intention of applying for a loan it is still in your best interest to give yourself aclean credit report because you never know when you will need emergency financing! 1.
Get Control Of Your Finances Getting your current bills under control and to a level where you can pay them is critical if you want long term good credit.
Avoid late payments at all costs.
If you feel your payments are to high call the lender and work out a payment plan, but never pay late! 2.
Budget Yourself You will never get a grasp on your financial life if you do not budget your money.
Planning a budget is easy and if you find that you need to cut expenses start with luxury items first like cell phones and cable TV.
Negotiate Collections If you have old collections that are hurting you and adding stress to your life try to negotiate for a settlement amount.
Remember that most collection agencies have the ability to take less then the full balance owed so always start with an amount that is about 50% of the balance and work from there.
Clean Up Your Credit Report Start scouring your report and find negative information as well as errors that will push your FICO scores down.
If you are unsure of how self credit repair works there are many kits and books available online that can help you through the process.

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