How to Feed a Cat While You're Away
- To provide your cat with a ready supply of food while you are away, purchase a self-replenishing feeder. This type of feeder is only dry cat food, not canned. Self-replenishing feeders have a large container on top that connects to a bowl on the bottom. As the cat eats, gravity pulls down the food, automatically refilling the bowl for your cat as needed. These feeders typically hold enough food for several days of feeding without having to refill them. While these feeders are both convenient and inexpensive, they do not offer any type of portion control and may not be appropriate for overweight or obese cats. You can also purchase a cat water fountain to ensure your kitty has plenty of fresh water.
- To keep your cat on its regular feeding schedule and control the amount of food it eats each day, use an automatic timed feeder to dispense food while you're not home to supervise it. Timed feeders have one or more compartments with covers, controlled by a timer that opens them according to preset times. These feeders require batteries to power the timer and are usually more expensive than basic replenishing feeders; prices vary, based on the features and the number of feeding compartments. Some of these feeders also feature special ice packs that can keep canned cat food portions fresh for one to two days. Automatic waterers are also available.
- If you're leaving your cat alone for more than two days, consider hiring a pet sitter to come in and feed the cat each day or refill its automatic feeder. Provide the sitter with specific instructions about feeding amounts. Having a sitter handle the feeding of your cat allows your kitty to eat canned food, as you don't have to worry about spoilage. A pet sitter can also help ensure that your pet is eating its correct portion of food daily. Both the National Association of Pet Sitters and Pet Sitters International provide lists of licensed pet sitters in various areas.
- To ensure your cat gets the proper nutrition during an extended absence, you may want to board your cat in a kennel or veterinarian's office. The kennel staff can handle any dietary restrictions your cat may have and feed it its regular diet of canned or dry food. Depending on your cat's personality, it may prefer the attention available at a kennel, rather than being left alone in your home. Ask your veterinarian if he provides boarding services or can recommend a kennel. Tour the facility before making arrangements to have your cat stay there and make sure it can provide your cat with its usual diet.