Business & Finance Home Based Business

How To Tips For Making A Success Of A Home Candle Making Business

Running a home candle making business has similar problems to many homebased businesses in that the business owner tends to focus on 'doing' rather than 'selling'. People who set up craft type home based businesses do so because they love what they do and because there never seems to be enough time to get all the stock made that they want to, or produce the ideas they have created.

Time management in a home candle business

Because craft home based businesses are so labor intensive the operator tends to overlook the marketing side of their business. This is not intentional but for every minute they are away from the business they see that products are not being made and this is where the problem manifests itself, especially if the business does demand product to be made each and every week.

How to overcome this problem

To be honest, as a person who has had several home based business over many years I have not come up with a great answer to this problem. I always found it quite stressful to spend half a day out and about sourcing packaging or even outlets for my products. It is just a matter of biting the bullet and getting the jobs done as quickly as possible so that product can continue to be made.

Developing your candle business

Businesses, whether they be home based or not, go through growing stages and as a business is approaching the next step in staffing there is this gap where the business is not keeping up with supply, but there is not enough work for another employee.
Getting around this problem can be quite easy if you can find someone who is prepared to start with you and do just a few hours with increased hours as the business grows. This is the best way for a home based business to grow in strength as all businesses need to do eventually.

The alternative would be to get a family member to help out, but this is not always possible if they have other commitments.


Another way to ensure that your time is being used where it is best needed, in the manufacturing, outsource some of the jobs that a small business has. For example, get a bookkeeper in once a month to keep your books up to date so that you do not overspend and you keep control of finances.

In a candle making home business you could outsource some candle making, or you could outsource packaging if you sold packaged products. Or another job that could be outsourced is the decorating of candles, especially for seasonal occasions like Christmas and Easter.


Regardless of how busy you may be in making candles your home based candle making business needs to be marketed so make sure you spend the equivalent of one hour per day marketing your business. This is absolutely essential for its survival.

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