Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Natural Ways For Removing Warts

There is none denying the fact that getting rid of the warts is a very wearisome experience.
You might have already tried some medication to eliminate the warts without any effects.
If that were true, it's time to look for alternative ways of treating them and you should be relieved to learn that it is possible to eliminate warts by using natural homemade remedies with inexpensive ingredients generally available in your kitchen.
The treatments suggested here have been used since generations and proven to be effective.
Here we go: One popular measure adopted by many is the application of duct tape over the wart.
Of course, it hurts when you remove the tape but this is an effective way of achieving the desired results.
Yet, you may like to consider other natural treatments for the purpose.
The next effective way for removing warts is the application of apple cider vinegar.
In this case, you need to keep the affected part dipped in apple cider vinegar for a minimum of twenty minutes.
Do it a couple of times during the day and continue with it till warts disappear.
Another way of getting the expected results is to rub your wart with slices of potatoes.
Do it twice a day and the wart would vanish in about a fortnight.
Well, the treatment is important but it is very important to take certain precautions while you continue with any of the suggested treatments.
The most important precaution is not to touch or scratch the warts.
You should know that warts are contagious and by scratching them you are exposed to the risk of spreading virus to unaffected parts of your body.

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