Turtle Facts, Habitat, and Care
Learn about the largest turtle - the Great Leatherback Sea Turtle - and the smallest turtle - the Speckled Padloper Tortoise of South Africa. This article will help the reader understand the structure of the turtle's shell, the difference between amphibious turtles (they have webbed feet) and s
Picking Out a Healthy Bearded Dragon
Once you have inspected the pet store and the bearded dragon living conditions, the next step would be to watch and inspect the bearded dragons themselves. Check to see if they seem alert and if they act normal like they're running around eating or basking.
How to Set Up a Tank for Western Bearded Dragons
There are eight species of bearded dragons, and the Western bearded dragon, or pogona minima, is one of the largest. It is native to the Western Australian desert and can reach an adult length of 20 inches. In captivity, it requires a similar habitat to the common pet species of bearded dragon, or p
Bearded Dragon Types - The Most Common Seen Today
Discover some of the most common bearded dragon types seen today. Read more about the different types of bearded dragons from the Inland to the Sandifre.
Care of Greek Tortoises
Greek tortoises, also known as spur-thighed tortoises, are a threatened species in their native Africa, Europe and Asia. The golden-colored tortoises grow to 8 to 10 inches long and live for about 50 years. Greek tortoises are best kept only by experienced tortoise owners because of their shyness a
How to Clean a Reptile Cage
Regularly cleaning your reptile cage helps to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and parasites and is essential in keeping your pet reptile happy and healthy. Cleaning your reptile cage and disinfecting your reptile cage are two distinctly separate processes. General cleaning of your reptile ca
Types of Horned Toads
These spiny reptiles, variously called horned or horny toads or horned frogs, are officially classified as horned lizards. Because ancient Anasazi, Mimbres, Navajo, Zuni and Hopi art features their images, scientists know they have existed in North America for thousands of years. Horned lizards have
The Blue Tongue Lizard As a Pet
In their native habitat of Australia, the blue-tongued skink is known as the blue-tongued lizard. It is a large, thick bodied lizard with very short, stubby limbs in relation to the rest of its long body just like all skinks. Their varied diet, tolerance of humans and interesting behavior make the b
Animals in the Habitat of Leatherback Sea Turtles
Leatherback turtles live and interact with different animals.leatherback sea turtle image by Shuva Rahim from Fotolia.comLeatherback sea turtles are the largest species of turtle on the planet, but little is known about their life in the wild. According to the University of Michigan,...
Common Illinois Salamanders
Illinois' wetland and woodland habitats offer a suitable home for 20 species of salamander. Urban development and clearing of natural habitats for farm land has damaged the population numbers of many species. Only around eight of the native species are found in large areas of the state and have soli
What Makes a Good Iguana Habitat?
Iguanas can be difficult pets to keep due to care and attention requirements. An iguana is incapable of regulating its own body temperature, requiring iguana owners to build adequate habitats that provide both methods for cooling and heat basking. Healthy iguanas thrive in their habitats or enclosur
How to Take Care of a Florida Lizard
Florida is home to numerous animal species, including a tremendous variety of reptiles, especially lizards. In the spring, summer and fall, lizards are seen roaming lawns and gardens and climbing buildings, waiting for their next meal or attempting to attract a mate. The most common lizard is most
How to Hang a Terrarium
A terrarium is similar to a fish aquarium but it's for land animals. The most common type of animals to keep in a terrarium are reptiles and amphibians. Hanging a terrarium is a unique and interesting way to create a display for decorative purposes.
Tropical Frog Habitat
Few animals are more commonly seen in wetlands, like lakes, rivers and swamplands, than common tree frogs and toads. Tropical frogs living among the lush vegetation of the rainforests are similarly numerous. Rainforest frogs live throughout the world, wherever the rainforest can provide the habitat
What Reptiles Can Live Together?
Reptiles and amphibians are distant cousins and are usually linked when talking about creating a community terrarium. Reptiles include crocodiles, alligators, lizards and snakes. Amphibians include newts, salamanders, frogs and toads. Hobbyists interested in housing more than one species should thor
Putting a Roof Over Your Iguana's Head
Iguana housing is not as simple as plunking the animal into any aquarium you find. These lizards need space to grow and move around in.
Why Do People Love Reptiles as Pets?
When most people think of popular pets, cats and dogs typically come to mind. There are many people, however, that love to own reptiles as pets. With the proper care and maintenance of a reptile, these pets can live up to 40 years or more. Although reptiles are not cuddly, they are eccentric and div
How to Care for a 5-Lined Skink
Five-lined skinks are small, brightly patterned reptiles common to the United States. They grow to between 5 and 8 inches long, and are relatively friendly, making them a good choice for a beginner reptile keeper. They can be quick, which sometimes makes them difficult to hold, but they are easy to
How To Set Up A Terrapin Tank
Anyone that has a terrapin or is considering getting one of these semi-aquatic reptiles needs to ensure that they create the right environment and living space. Amongst others things, this involves setting up a suitable terrapin tank, which should be designed to make your terrapins feel comfortable