Listing of Horse Skin Disorders
Horses are prone to a number of different types of skin disorders. Their skin is very thin, and they have a lot of it, being large animals, so it is not uncommon for a horse to suffer from several types of skin maladies at the same time on different parts of its skin. Learning to recognize and diffe
First Impressions on Natural Horsemanship
I'd like to share my first impressions using the Natural Horsemanship technique of horse training. When I was first introduced to Natural Horsemanship, I was in my early teens and working with a woman who had taken me under her wings. This woman taught me how truly sensitive horses are and how
How to Catch a Horse in a Pasture
One essential task of horsemanship is knowing how to properly and safely catch a horse in a pasture or field. Catching a horse is the first step in working with the horse on the ground or riding. It is a good way to build trust between horse and handler. It is important for a handler to know how t
Feeding Your Horse - Some Basic Rules
Some basic rules about feeding will keep your horse in optimal health. It is easy to overlook these simple issues but if you do it may effect your horse's lifespan.
Kinds of Reins for Horses
Reins are among the most easily recognizable pieces of tack -- equipment for riding a horse -- a rider uses. As the phrases "rein in" or "free rein" indicate, reins are a mechanism used to control the horse's movement. Attached to the bridle, reins are used by the rider to change a horse's direction
How to Install Red Brand Horse Fences
Red Brand horse fence is one of the most safe types of horse fence available. The fence is made with very small openings so a horse cannot get his head or hooves through it. The wire is strong but springy so that it gives just enough if a horse hits the fence. Red Brand is available at many hardware
How to Give a Horse a Registered Name
Horses that are purebreds, meaning they're usually bred for racing or showing, are required to have a registered name. This ensures that both the owner and animal are protected from unscrupulous breeders who trade on a famous name. The first step is to decide on a name and the association you'd like
How to Clean Horse Pads
Keep your saddle pads clean to protect your horse from dirt and embedded sand that can irritate his back. Regularly inspect the underside of the pad for matted hair, rough or hard spots, rocks and sand, burs and other objects that can aggravate your horse. Proper animal grooming will also protect yo
What Are the Treatments for Colic in a Horse?
Colic is a discomfort or pain in the abdomen or belly region. Only about 10 percent of horses die from colic, even though colic is the leading natural cause of premature death among horses.
Equine Vocational Schools
Horses at a riding stablehorse image by Mat Hayward from Fotolia.comIf you have always wanted to work with horses but are not sure where to start, an equine vocational program could be just what you need. Many trade schools and community colleges throughout the United States offer equine...
How to Trim a Horse With Club Feet
A horse with a club foot favors one or more feet. The affected tendons of this posture-change result in deformity. Young horses with poor diets sometimes have disrupted limb growth, but club foot can occur due to injuries. A club foot might also be attributed to genetic issue, and in these cases a
6 Things You Must Know Before Buying a Horse
Horses have long lives, and most folks intend to give them a forever home. After all, our equine companions are often a large part of our lives and we spend a great deal of time, energy, money and effort on their behalf! But the fact is that millions of animals are purchased or trade hands every yea
How to Prevent Barn Fires
Because of the nature of a barn, there are often many fire risks. The barn itself, or large portions of its interior, are often made of wood. Flammable materials such as hay are frequently stored inside. Pests like rodents are attracted by grain and can damage electrical wires, or wiring can simply
How to Train a Horse to Go Over Obstacles Under Saddle
Horses are naturally cautious. Their instincts guide them to fight or flee. Teaching them to approach and then walk over obstacles can be one of the most challenging things you will do with a horse. This article will give you some tips on how to train a horse to go over obstacles under saddle.
Checking Out and Comparing Horse Insurance
These days, it's easy to compare horse insurance policies online. What should you look for in a policy though and what are the benefits?
Equine Bodywork And Its Role In Supporting Injury Recovery
When a person sustains a serious physical injury like a broken bone or damaged ligament or tendon, an integral part of their recovery program is going to include physical therapy.However, this crucial piece of the injury recovery process is often left out where horses (or animals in general) are con
What Are the Treatments for Equine Pinworms?
Pinworms can be easily controlled.horses image by Penny Williams from Fotolia.comEquine pinworms are parasites that live in the large intestines of horses. At night the females lay eggs on the skin around the rectum. These eggs can fall off the host and contaminate pastures where they are...
How to Treat Equine Thrush Naturally With Neem Oil
As one of the most common ailments to a horse, equine thrush affects the hoof of a horse. Thrush is caused by a anaerobic bacteria as well as general moisture get trapped in the hoof which in turn causes an infection in the hoof that can be very damaging to the horse if left untreated. This particul
How to Trim an Alpaca's Teeth
An alpaca's teeth may need to be trimmed to avoid digestive problems and harm to other animals and humans. A veterinarian should be consulted before dental work is performed, and teeth may need to be surgically removed in some cases. Most of the time, however, the alpaca's owner can saw off the anim