Technology Networking & Internet

What Are Smart Mailboxes?

    What a Smart Mailbox Does

    • A smart mailbox helps you create virtual folders for managing the email you receive. You can have an email box for all emails sent by one person, for example. This enables you to store and find your email quicker.

    How to Create A Smart Mailbox

    • Open Mac Mail. Click on the "+" sign in the bottom left-hand corner of the window. Click on "New Smart Mailbox" in the pop-up menu. Designate the criteria for the Smart mailbox, and whether the mailbox can take mail from the "trash" and "sent" folders. Click on "OK" to create the smart mailbox.

    What Are the Criteria Available For Sorting?

    • You have many sorting options with the smart mailbox. You can separate email according to one sender or a group of senders, subject matter or date received, priority level and many more.

    How Do I Access my Smart Mailbox?

    • A new folder will be created in the "Smart Mailboxes" section of the Mail tool column. Click on your smart mailbox to see all of the filtered email and locate your desired email quickly.

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