Early Warning Signs of Domestic Violence - The Walking Time Bomb
Jasmine Fiore probably did not see it coming until it was way too late.
Like so many others before her when the former swimsuit model attempted to end the relationship she paid the ultimate price.
According to statistics when a woman attempts to leave an abusive relationship the danger to her increases dramatically.
During the beginning phase of the courtship everything is wonderful and your significant other seems too good to be true.
But we are all human.
If they do seem too good to be true you should do some serious investigating and observation work.
For it's when they are trying so hard to present you with the perfect image that the mask can easily slip from time to time no matter how hard they try to keep it on straight.
Keeping Tabs They don't ask you where you have been in that matter of fact way that many of us do.
They really want to know and will not let the subject rest until you have divulged every detail.
Jealous They try to pass it off as deep love and caring for you.
It's not.
Anyone you converse with whether they be family or mutual friends makes them angry.
And they confront you with it in a very blunt manner accusing you of undermining the relationship.
The Cycle of Jekyll and Hyde They are angry with you.
About what it does not matter all you know is they are in full rage mode.
And awhile they do not get physical with you the threatening nature of their tirade is unmistakable.
Then it's over and they come to you begging for forgiveness.
It looks to you like they are genuinely upset at how they behaved.
Your significant other promises to never do it again and goes to extremes to make amends.
The problem is this is not the first time that this is happened.
Like so many others before her when the former swimsuit model attempted to end the relationship she paid the ultimate price.
According to statistics when a woman attempts to leave an abusive relationship the danger to her increases dramatically.
During the beginning phase of the courtship everything is wonderful and your significant other seems too good to be true.
But we are all human.
If they do seem too good to be true you should do some serious investigating and observation work.
For it's when they are trying so hard to present you with the perfect image that the mask can easily slip from time to time no matter how hard they try to keep it on straight.
Keeping Tabs They don't ask you where you have been in that matter of fact way that many of us do.
They really want to know and will not let the subject rest until you have divulged every detail.
Jealous They try to pass it off as deep love and caring for you.
It's not.
Anyone you converse with whether they be family or mutual friends makes them angry.
And they confront you with it in a very blunt manner accusing you of undermining the relationship.
The Cycle of Jekyll and Hyde They are angry with you.
About what it does not matter all you know is they are in full rage mode.
And awhile they do not get physical with you the threatening nature of their tirade is unmistakable.
Then it's over and they come to you begging for forgiveness.
It looks to you like they are genuinely upset at how they behaved.
Your significant other promises to never do it again and goes to extremes to make amends.
The problem is this is not the first time that this is happened.