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Complex Diagnostic Tests and Procedures of Blood Analysis

The blood as a whole is very complex with different constituents.
With the advancement of biotechnology, these constituents have been able to be discovered with very complex diagnostic tests and procedures.
What are they? 1.
Common blood analysis (RBC count, Hemoglobin level, color index, mean corpuscular Hemoglobin concentration), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), WBC count, platelet count).
Hematocrit 3.
Coagulation tests (partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin time (PT), thrombin time, concentration of fibrinogen in plasma).
Bleeding time, clotting time (Lee-white, Burker).
Tourniquet test (capillary fragility) 6.
Type and crossmatch 7.
concentration serums iron-binding capacity (TIBC) 8.
serum bilirubin levels, Coombs test.
Sickle turbidity, Hemoglobin electrophoresis 10.
Determination of specific coagulation factors deficiency 11.
Ultrasound investigation of spleen, liver, lymph nodes 12.
Radiography 13.
Biopsy of red marrow Laboratory Blood tests Type and cross-match Blood typing determines the ABO and Rh blood groups of a blood sample.
A cross-match tests for agglutination reactions between donor and recipient blood.
Complete Blood Count The complete blood count consists of the following red blood cell count, hemoglobin measurement (grams of hemoglobin per 100 ml of blood), hematocrit measurement (% volume of erythrocytes), and white blood cell count.
White Blood cell differential count' The white blood cell differential count determines the percentage of each type of leucocytes.
White Blood cell differential count 3 days old •Leucocytes (30-33)x10^9/l •Basophils 0.
5% •Eosinophils 1-4% •Neutrophils 1.
myelocytes (0) 2.
juvenile (0-0.
5)% 3.
bands (3-5)% 4.
segmented (54-62)% •Lymphocytes 11-25% •Monocytes 6-10% 5 day Old •Leucocytes (30-33)x10^9/l •Basophils 0.
5% •Eosinophils 1-4% •Neutrophils 1.
myelocytes (0) 2.
juvenile (0-0.
5)% 3.
bands (3-5)% 4.
segmented (39-42)% •Lymphocytes (45%) •Monocytes (6-10)% 3 year Old child •Leucocytes 8x10^9/L •Basophils 0.
5% •Eosinophils 3% •Neutrophils 1.
Juvenile 0.
5% 2.
bands 3% 3.
segmented 24% 4.
Myelocytes 0 •Lymphocytes 63% •Monocytes 6% 5 year old child •Leucocytes (4-9)x10^9 •Basophils 0.
5% •Eosinophils 1-4% •Neutrophils 1.
myelocytes 0 2.
juvenile (0-0.
5)% 3.
bands (3-5)% 4.
segmented (3-42)% •Lymphocytes 45% •Monocytes (6-10)% 12 year old child •Leucocytes (4-9)x10^9/l •Basophils 0.
5% •Eosinophils 1-4% •Neutrophils 1.
myelocytes 0 2.
juvenile (0-0.
5)% 3.
bands (3-5)% 4.
segmented (54-62)% •Lymphocytes (25-33)% •Monocytes (6-10)% How did all these values come about? There are still normal indexes for Adult and discrepancies between the Caucasian as well as the blacks have also been discovered.
SO complex, isn't it?

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