Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

Are Stocks Really the Best Investment?

I personally think that the stock market is a great place to put your money in.
Over time, long periods of time that is, decades and decades, no legitimate investment can beat stocks, but they are not for everyone.
If you want to invest money but might need to use that money within 5 years [For retirement, college...
], look for a less volatile investment.
Over a short span the stock market is unpredictable at best, you don't really know what you are going to get.
In the long run however stocks are the place to put your money.
If you are looking at a safer investment consider CDs [certificate deposits], bonds, or a high yield savings account.
A lot of people think that real estate is a very safe investment that always goes up, that is not true.
The real estate market has suffered over the past two years.
Over time real estate values are going to rise, just like stocks, but for the short term put your money elsewhere.
If you do decide to invest in stocks, make sure that you either know what you are doing or that you hire someone who knows what they are doing.
It is very easy to lose money in the stock market if you do not have a logical and diversified portfolio.
You will want to think about the long term when you are investing and stay away from rash decisions.
You will lose money some days and make money others, that is the way that it is.

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