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Hemp/tencel: A Brilliant Blend Of Style And Sustainability

A tale of two sustainable fabrics
We all know about hemp"s environmental upside: it can be grown without pesticides or herbicides and it"s biodegradable and hypoallergenic. Blending hemp"s natural durability and tendency to "bloom" during laundering with Earth-friendly Tencel results in a fabric that resembles a softer, drapier linen and perfectly marries style with sustainability. That"s why many women's wear manufacturers are turning to Hemp/Tencel fabric.

Eco-friendly Tencel
Like bamboo and rayon fabrics, Tencel is made from wood cellulose. But, unlike them, Tencel"s supply chain is transparent: it comes from farmed eucalyptus forests and is grown without genetic manipulation, irrigation, or pesticides. Tencel has won certification by the Forest Stewardship Council and The European Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification thanks to the sustainable farming practices used to grow its raw materials.
Closing the loop on sustainable women"s fashions

The cellulose used for Tencel is processed using a closed-loop system in which non-toxic organic solvents are recycled with a recovery rate of 99.5%. The remaining emissions are decomposed in purification plants. This process was awarded the European Award for the Environment by the European Union.

Rayon's nice but "
As a women"s clothing designer, the lovely hand and drape of rayon have always been alluring, but knowing about rayon manufacturing"s big environmental downside has dampened my enthusiasm. Aside from generating a lot of air and water pollutants, there"s no way of knowing if the woods were raised and harvested sustainably, and the manufacturing process itself literally stinks. That"s what makes Tencel, with its rayon-like characteristics such an exciting, Earth-friendly fashion alternative.

Even the small stuff adds up
In designing my fashions, concern for the Earth doesn't stop with the fabric. I primarily use sustainable tagua nut and shell buttons and keep packaging Earth-friendly. And by handcrafting our products right here in America, we minimize the clothing"s carbon footprint.

Henry Ford recognized the value of hemp nearly a century ago when he wrote: "Why use up the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?"

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