How to Attract Girls - What a Man Needs
Learning how to attract girls is one of the most challenging and rewarding skill that you could learn.
The typical man is at a loss when it comes to approaching women.
The common questions are "What to talk about?", and "How should I behave?" Women are attracted to a sense of humor, honesty, eye contact, confidence, and personality.
In a recent study, women were asked what it was about their current boyfriend or spouse that attracted them.
They mostly said that it was their man's sense of humor.
Women are genuinely attracted to a sense of humor.
This does not mean that you go out and buy a book of jokes to memorize and tell her.
You don't even have to tell a joke to have a sense of humor.
Are you capable of laughing with others sharing a joke? Do you laugh with people? It is these things that make a sense of humor.
Just don't take yourself too seriously.
Women love a man that can listen.
You can always hear her, but when you listen to what she says, she is going to tell you some things.
When she talks, she will convey some feelings behind those words.
Guys typically communicate ideas and women communicate both feelings and ideas.
You have to read between the lines by listening to the words and paying attention to the feelings that she is trying to convey.
If you miss one or the other, then you miss the point.
You should test and try different techniques to attract girls in order to see what works best for you.
Additionally you should be approaching girls on a regular basis in order to learn how to pick up a girl successfully.
The typical man is at a loss when it comes to approaching women.
The common questions are "What to talk about?", and "How should I behave?" Women are attracted to a sense of humor, honesty, eye contact, confidence, and personality.
In a recent study, women were asked what it was about their current boyfriend or spouse that attracted them.
They mostly said that it was their man's sense of humor.
Women are genuinely attracted to a sense of humor.
This does not mean that you go out and buy a book of jokes to memorize and tell her.
You don't even have to tell a joke to have a sense of humor.
Are you capable of laughing with others sharing a joke? Do you laugh with people? It is these things that make a sense of humor.
Just don't take yourself too seriously.
Women love a man that can listen.
You can always hear her, but when you listen to what she says, she is going to tell you some things.
When she talks, she will convey some feelings behind those words.
Guys typically communicate ideas and women communicate both feelings and ideas.
You have to read between the lines by listening to the words and paying attention to the feelings that she is trying to convey.
If you miss one or the other, then you miss the point.
You should test and try different techniques to attract girls in order to see what works best for you.
Additionally you should be approaching girls on a regular basis in order to learn how to pick up a girl successfully.