Technology Software

Video: How to Use Installed Paint Brushes in Photoshop CS5

Video Transcript

Hi, my name is Alex, and I'm going to show you how to install a Photoshop brush in Photoshop. So if you've gone online and you've downloaded a brush that you want to use in a picture, I'm going to show you how to import that. So go to the brush tool and then go up here to the size panel and there's a little arrow right here. Click that then scroll down to load brushes. If I were you I would just basically make sure that that brush is on your desktop or somewhere that you can access pretty easily. So I have mine on my desktop right here. I'm going to click that, I'm going to open it and what it's going to do is it's going to open these brushes right here in Photoshop and you're going to have to scroll all the way down. And then you just click it and you use it. Just like that. And you can use multiple at the same time. My name is Alex, this is how you install Photoshop brushes in to Photoshop. Thank you.

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