In Article Marketing, Remember the Article Must Be Found, Too
When we dedicate resources to article marketing, we focus on two things: 1) Persuading the readers of the article to visit our site; 2) obtaining some "link juice" for the page of our site linked in our anchor text (i.e. SEO). After all, we want to get "the most bang for our buck" when it comes to content syndication. Especially when we use a professional web writing service, we want to make sure that we do more than merely recover our investment. That makes sense, in so far as we take it.
However, there is one thing that we sometimes forget in our enthusiasm of driving traffic and external links directly to our site's pages. For our articles to be truly effective, they need to be found by readers and considered worth by the search engine algorithms.
Face facts, our new article isn't the only one being posted on EzineArticles or GoArticles on any given day. Indeed, it probably isn't even the only article being posted that day that deals with our topic, although nobody has written as cleverly as we have of course. So how do we make our article stand out from the massive amount of new content published on the web each day?
Yeah, I know the standard writing and submission tips.
* Use a descriptive title and, if possible, make it "catchy."
* Use a good set of accurate and popular keywords to associate with it when we submit.
* On EzineArticles or other directories which offer us an opportunity to provide an abstract, make sure that is intriguing, so that the reader will want to click to the entire article.
All of those tips are important; none should be ignored. What we really need, though, is for the search engines to give our articles some much deserved respect. It is through the search engines that most of our readers are going to find our wonderful content, which will bring them to our site, which, in turn, will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams working only one hour from home while still in our pajamas (or pyjamas, for you Brits). Okay, I got carried away a bit by the marketing hype. Sorry.
What makes the search engines respect content? Links. Multiple links. Links with similar and accurate anchor text. do we get those links?
We need to dedicate a portion of our article marketing strategy to building links for our articles, themselves. Yes, that may mean somewhat fewer links to our site, but the trade is that linking to our articles that do lead to our site become more powerful.
You can come up with your own ratio, but most of us should probably dedicate every third or fourth or fifth article to linking to existing articles. For example, every once in a while, post an article on A1Articles that has links to your two or three of your articles on EzineArticles and GoArticles. Use an EzineArticles submission to pass a little link love to a brilliant piece you have published on ArticleMap.
I know this sounds like a never ending cycle. It is. That's why so many of us make our overall strategy clear to the professionals and let them do the actual work and tracking. Then we can just sit around in our pajamas and count our money.
However, there is one thing that we sometimes forget in our enthusiasm of driving traffic and external links directly to our site's pages. For our articles to be truly effective, they need to be found by readers and considered worth by the search engine algorithms.
Face facts, our new article isn't the only one being posted on EzineArticles or GoArticles on any given day. Indeed, it probably isn't even the only article being posted that day that deals with our topic, although nobody has written as cleverly as we have of course. So how do we make our article stand out from the massive amount of new content published on the web each day?
Yeah, I know the standard writing and submission tips.
* Use a descriptive title and, if possible, make it "catchy."
* Use a good set of accurate and popular keywords to associate with it when we submit.
* On EzineArticles or other directories which offer us an opportunity to provide an abstract, make sure that is intriguing, so that the reader will want to click to the entire article.
All of those tips are important; none should be ignored. What we really need, though, is for the search engines to give our articles some much deserved respect. It is through the search engines that most of our readers are going to find our wonderful content, which will bring them to our site, which, in turn, will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams working only one hour from home while still in our pajamas (or pyjamas, for you Brits). Okay, I got carried away a bit by the marketing hype. Sorry.
What makes the search engines respect content? Links. Multiple links. Links with similar and accurate anchor text. do we get those links?
We need to dedicate a portion of our article marketing strategy to building links for our articles, themselves. Yes, that may mean somewhat fewer links to our site, but the trade is that linking to our articles that do lead to our site become more powerful.
You can come up with your own ratio, but most of us should probably dedicate every third or fourth or fifth article to linking to existing articles. For example, every once in a while, post an article on A1Articles that has links to your two or three of your articles on EzineArticles and GoArticles. Use an EzineArticles submission to pass a little link love to a brilliant piece you have published on ArticleMap.
I know this sounds like a never ending cycle. It is. That's why so many of us make our overall strategy clear to the professionals and let them do the actual work and tracking. Then we can just sit around in our pajamas and count our money.