Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Ab Exercises - Increase Overall Strength By Developing The Core

You may often think about doing exercise, but find that your time is very limited.  Maybe you already adhere to a loose schedule of exercise – on a hit and miss basis.  Perhaps you even consider yourself fairly fit and somewhat of a workout devotee.  But if there is one muscle group with which nearly all of as can stand a little help, it is the Abs.   The benefits of doing abdominal exercises far outweigh the benefits of exercising any other muscle group.

What is so important about abs and why worry about them?  Many people, even the most dedicated gym goers, tend to neglect their ab muscles.  If they dedicate any time to them, it is usually at the end of a work out and as somewhat of an afterthought.  But the reality is abdominal exercises, when performed correctly and regularly, will have positive effects on every other muscle group of your body.

And best of all, 5 to 10 minutes devoted to ab work will make all the difference in the world in a number of ways.  Numerous studies illustrate that by increasing the core (abdominal area – lower abs, upper abs, oblique muscles) strength you will not only substantially reduce risk of injury, but will also indirectly increase the strength all other muscles as well.

Every single time you bend, twist, shift your weight or balance – just about any movement you can think of – you transfer force directly through you Abs.  So much of strength training and muscle building is predicated on proper exercise form, which depends largely on balance and control.  With a developed set of abdominal muscles, the rest of your body will be under better control during all other exercises, which will result in a significantly increased rate of muscle development of the remaining muscle groups.

Furthermore, a strong core will protect your back from injuries.  There are few injuries more debilitating than injuries to the back, so placing a premium on protecting this part of your body will help you avoid set backs in your pursuit of a more healthy you.

The aesthetic benefits of a toned abdominal muscle group go without saying.  You can work all you want on your arms and chest, but without a decent looking midsection, your body can take on a run of the mill appearance or appear wholly unfit.  On the other hand, a slim nondescript figure can turn heads on the beach by the simple presence of nicely developed abs.

The amazing thing about all this, as we alluded to before, it only takes a short time to make a profound difference.  Again, just 5 to 10 minutes, 3 days a week, dedicated to proper abdominal work will net you incredible results in no time.  Focus on the abs and the rest your body will thank you.

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