How to Hit Longer Drives -Top 5 Tips to Hitting Longer Drives
So you wanna know how to hit longer drives? Well you've come to the right place. I'm going to start this of by saying, I've recommended these techniques to several golfers, and ALL have seen at least a 15 yard increase in driving distance. In one case, the student gained 50 yards off the tee in just 3 months. Ready to take your golf course over by using your massive distance? Discover how to hit longer drives by following these five tips.
My Top 5 Tips on How to Hit Longer Drives:
How to Hit Longer Drives Tip 1: Always Practice Proper Tempo
Yes, you can swing as hard as you can and hit some blasts, but unless your extremely talented, you're not going to keep the ball in the fairway and you're not going to hit the ball on the middle of the face, both which mean you're not getting as much distance. Also, the less tension you have in your swing, the faster your swing speed can be. You'll also stay on balance much easier by swinging with a slower tempo. The more on balance you are, the more energy is transferred to the ball! Slow down that tempo and you'll see your driving average go up.
How to Hit Longer Drives Tip 2: Shift Your Weight Through the Ball
Getting your weight moving through the ball means hitting longer drives, hands down. I can't tell you how many people I see at the driving range hitting 200 yard slices that have a reverse weight shift. The weight should move from back to front. Make sure you are turning, and not swaying. A good check for this is to make sure your spikes are showing on your back foot and that you are standing very tall in your finish. See my bio picture? That's how you should look.
How to Hit Longer Drives Tip 3: Ball Position
The driver takes a much further forward ball position than other clubs. The reason for this is that you want to make a very slight UPswing through the ball. To achieve this, play the ball forward in your stance. The general guideline is just inside the left heel, however many pros have been moving this position up as of late. This is a good way to control ball trajectory for more advanced players.
How to Hit Longer Drives Tip 4: Proper Flex Shaft
Many players hit well off line because they don't have the proper flex in their shaft. What happens when you hit the ball off line? You start trying to guide the ball with your arms, which is very bad for control. Bad control = balls in the rough = no distance. Get your swing speed tested at a golf specialty store and have them set you up with the proper flex shaft. You'll hit the ball longer AND straighter.
Get Your Butt in Shape!
The last and absolute number 1 reason why these youngn's can flat rip is it because their bodies are still in great shape. If you have the body of a 20 year old, you are flexible, strong, and fast. At any age, you can work out just 20 minutes a day and develop an awesome golf body without a whole lot of effort, BUT only if you have the proper workout routine!
Follow these 5 tips and you'll be hitting longer drives without making any big swing changes. Visit the link below for A LOT more on step 5.
My Top 5 Tips on How to Hit Longer Drives:
How to Hit Longer Drives Tip 1: Always Practice Proper Tempo
Yes, you can swing as hard as you can and hit some blasts, but unless your extremely talented, you're not going to keep the ball in the fairway and you're not going to hit the ball on the middle of the face, both which mean you're not getting as much distance. Also, the less tension you have in your swing, the faster your swing speed can be. You'll also stay on balance much easier by swinging with a slower tempo. The more on balance you are, the more energy is transferred to the ball! Slow down that tempo and you'll see your driving average go up.
How to Hit Longer Drives Tip 2: Shift Your Weight Through the Ball
Getting your weight moving through the ball means hitting longer drives, hands down. I can't tell you how many people I see at the driving range hitting 200 yard slices that have a reverse weight shift. The weight should move from back to front. Make sure you are turning, and not swaying. A good check for this is to make sure your spikes are showing on your back foot and that you are standing very tall in your finish. See my bio picture? That's how you should look.
How to Hit Longer Drives Tip 3: Ball Position
The driver takes a much further forward ball position than other clubs. The reason for this is that you want to make a very slight UPswing through the ball. To achieve this, play the ball forward in your stance. The general guideline is just inside the left heel, however many pros have been moving this position up as of late. This is a good way to control ball trajectory for more advanced players.
How to Hit Longer Drives Tip 4: Proper Flex Shaft
Many players hit well off line because they don't have the proper flex in their shaft. What happens when you hit the ball off line? You start trying to guide the ball with your arms, which is very bad for control. Bad control = balls in the rough = no distance. Get your swing speed tested at a golf specialty store and have them set you up with the proper flex shaft. You'll hit the ball longer AND straighter.
Get Your Butt in Shape!
The last and absolute number 1 reason why these youngn's can flat rip is it because their bodies are still in great shape. If you have the body of a 20 year old, you are flexible, strong, and fast. At any age, you can work out just 20 minutes a day and develop an awesome golf body without a whole lot of effort, BUT only if you have the proper workout routine!
Follow these 5 tips and you'll be hitting longer drives without making any big swing changes. Visit the link below for A LOT more on step 5.