Should Everyone Be Allowed to Eat at KFC?
I know I probably shouldn't think this way, but often times I can't help myself.
When I go into a place like KFC and see some rather large, obese person standing at the counter, all I can think is "That's not good.
Someone should really tell him/her to go elsewhere for food.
" I am not in any way judging these people or questioning their right to eat what they wish, but there should come a point when someone else steps in if these people won't help themselves.
I mean, I tend to look at it like this: if an obviously inebriated person walks into a bar, he's not going to be served, is he? At least, he shouldn't.
I know in many places in the U.
it is illegal to serve someone who is already drunk.
So if you are already far beyond the point of being overweight and seriously unhealthy, food vendors shouldn't be serving you fried chicken.
You need to look for a healthier alternative for lunch.
Have a salad or some fruit perhaps.
There are many delicious, healthy options available; you don't need to stuff your face with greasy fried foods.
Yes, KFC and others of its ilk can be quite delicious and tempting, but we need to know our limits.
And as a society, we need to look out for our neighbor.
I mean, we're taught that from early childhood aren't we? Love your neighbor? How can you profess to love your neighbor if you let him drive drunk? If you continue to serve him drinks after he's past the point of inebriation? Is it really any different if you are serving obviously unhealthy, very fattening foods to a person who is in dire need of a healthier lifestyle? Yes, yes we all have our own rights and choices to make our own decisions, but sometimes we must be willing to help those who are not willing to help themselves.
Some may use the "cheap food" excuse.
That it is acceptable if for no other reason than they cannot afford alternatives.
I say this is patently untrue.
KFC, in cerain areas, is not exactly a deal in a bucket.
It is quite expensive as a matter of fact.
But this raises another question.
Where is the government in this? Might it not be a responsibility of theirs to take a look at the state of health of its citizens and intercede on their behalf? Require low cost healthier food choices; don't allow unhealthy food service institutions to monopolize the industry.
Thia is not an indictment of KFC by any means.
Many other fast food chains are not much better.
They consistently populate their menus with high fat, high sodium, high cholesterol, high calorie items.
Then they proceed to serve it up in 5 lb.
When they do offer a salad as an option, usually it is loaded with high fat ingredients along with the veggies, and of course there is the prerequisite generous dollop of dressing.
Not exactly a healthy alternative.
I do realize that the food vendors are simply providing what the populace demands, but at the very least, an alternative should be offered along with the unhealthy choices.
And make the healthy alternative enticing; not boring and unappealing.
We need to really look out for each other in this aspect.
Are we looking to destroy our future? How many fat little kids do we need to watch waddling around with KFC snack boxes in their hands and grease all over their face before we decide to do something? It's a damn shame.
The next time you see this unfortunate sight, go up to them, knock the box of chicken out of their hands and hand them a carrot.
You and they will be better in the long run, believe me.
When I go into a place like KFC and see some rather large, obese person standing at the counter, all I can think is "That's not good.
Someone should really tell him/her to go elsewhere for food.
" I am not in any way judging these people or questioning their right to eat what they wish, but there should come a point when someone else steps in if these people won't help themselves.
I mean, I tend to look at it like this: if an obviously inebriated person walks into a bar, he's not going to be served, is he? At least, he shouldn't.
I know in many places in the U.
it is illegal to serve someone who is already drunk.
So if you are already far beyond the point of being overweight and seriously unhealthy, food vendors shouldn't be serving you fried chicken.
You need to look for a healthier alternative for lunch.
Have a salad or some fruit perhaps.
There are many delicious, healthy options available; you don't need to stuff your face with greasy fried foods.
Yes, KFC and others of its ilk can be quite delicious and tempting, but we need to know our limits.
And as a society, we need to look out for our neighbor.
I mean, we're taught that from early childhood aren't we? Love your neighbor? How can you profess to love your neighbor if you let him drive drunk? If you continue to serve him drinks after he's past the point of inebriation? Is it really any different if you are serving obviously unhealthy, very fattening foods to a person who is in dire need of a healthier lifestyle? Yes, yes we all have our own rights and choices to make our own decisions, but sometimes we must be willing to help those who are not willing to help themselves.
Some may use the "cheap food" excuse.
That it is acceptable if for no other reason than they cannot afford alternatives.
I say this is patently untrue.
KFC, in cerain areas, is not exactly a deal in a bucket.
It is quite expensive as a matter of fact.
But this raises another question.
Where is the government in this? Might it not be a responsibility of theirs to take a look at the state of health of its citizens and intercede on their behalf? Require low cost healthier food choices; don't allow unhealthy food service institutions to monopolize the industry.
Thia is not an indictment of KFC by any means.
Many other fast food chains are not much better.
They consistently populate their menus with high fat, high sodium, high cholesterol, high calorie items.
Then they proceed to serve it up in 5 lb.
When they do offer a salad as an option, usually it is loaded with high fat ingredients along with the veggies, and of course there is the prerequisite generous dollop of dressing.
Not exactly a healthy alternative.
I do realize that the food vendors are simply providing what the populace demands, but at the very least, an alternative should be offered along with the unhealthy choices.
And make the healthy alternative enticing; not boring and unappealing.
We need to really look out for each other in this aspect.
Are we looking to destroy our future? How many fat little kids do we need to watch waddling around with KFC snack boxes in their hands and grease all over their face before we decide to do something? It's a damn shame.
The next time you see this unfortunate sight, go up to them, knock the box of chicken out of their hands and hand them a carrot.
You and they will be better in the long run, believe me.